We’ve got underwriters with many years of experience but we all know whatever industry you work in things change, so it’s good to get out of the office to refresh your knowledge. That’s why earlier this week some of our farm underwriters visited two local farms.
Starting the day at a beef and sheep farm near Otley, the farmer gave an introduction about the farm and how it had evolved over the years, followed by a farm tour. Here are a few photos from the day.
Checking out the newly built calf shed to see the difference in structure to the traditional stone built buidlings.
Seeing a straw stack valued at approx £5,000 really puts the scale of things into perspective when
considering stack limits.
Keeping up to date with machinery, storage of fuel and related security.
Taking stock of what we’d seen and what the farm insurance needs might be.
The mule gimmer lambs getting ready for a breeding sale in a 3 weeks times – size, fleece quality and the markings on their head all play a part in the price they’ll fetch
Seeing the mobile sheep shower in action - what used to be a 3 man job can now be done by 1 man and a machine!
Thanks to the Local Pantry farm shop fo filling us up for lunch before we headed to a dairy farm on the outskirts of Harrogate...
The calm before the storm - seeing the milking parlour before the action started.
Getting the technical low down on what food mix makes the perfect pint of milk
We know cows produce a lot of slurry but seeing the slurry store puts it into perspective.
Apparently the cows love a good back scratch! The spinning scratcher just shows the developments in technology.
All the cows on the farm are home bred pedigrees which could mean higher than average cover levels when it comes to insurance.
We couldn’t leave before seeing the cows been milked!
The way to get a real understanding of the risks associated with farms and farming practises is to keep up-to-date with how a modern farm operates. That’s why Rural’s been on the road this week…or should we say on the farm track.
And of course thanks goes to Francis and Miles for showing us around….keeping us fed and watered with tea and cake – true farmer hospitality!