We understand that with the recent news and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 you may have been wondering how it will impact the service you receive from us.
During this time Rural will continue to fully service you and your clients however, due to an increase in home workers our phone service will be limited. As such we have made the decision to alter certain processes until further notice.
Going forward, please can we ask you to: Provide all cover instructions & policy changes in writing by email or though our Unity Portal. We can no longer accept cover instructions over the phone.
Email your cover instructions to your Rural contact or to one of the team inboxes newbusiness@ruralinsurance.co.uk or existingbusiness@ruralinsurance.co.uk
Alternatively please log into unity, your online broker portal to submit any policy changes.
Don’t forget, within Unity you can generate a temporary 7-day covernote for Farm Motor and Rural Business Motor policies when you need to. A covernote can be submitted to:
- Add a permanent vehicle
- Add a temporary vehicle
- Add a temporary vehicle whilst one is in for service or repair
- Substitute a vehicle
- You’ll receive the covernote instantly. We’ll send your full policy documents within 5 working days.
Click here to go to our Unity portal where you can give your instructions or generate a covernote.
If you are not yet registered on the Unity Portal it takes seconds to register & your acceptance will be confirmed within 24 hours via our website. Register today!
We will endeavour to keep you informed of our plan should any further change be made to the way we are operating.