Top 10 considerations when buying agricultural vehicle insurance
We know that your vehicles are critical to the day to day running of your farm.
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Case study: fatal injury to livestock on own premises
Farmers do everything they can to look after their animals but sometimes incidences occur that are out of their control. Fatal injuries can be caused from straying but more often than not many happen on the farm.
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Benefits of Public Liability insurance
Public liability insurance is a must-have for any farm. It will make sure you’re covered if a member of the public is injured on your farm or if you are responsible for damage to another person’s property.
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Rural claims 2016 and how to minimise your risks
We see paying your claims as a positive part of what we do. We take our responsibility seriously and we do all we can to ensure claiming is painless and that businesses keep on moving whatever happens to them.
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Benefits of Environmental Impairment Liability insurance
Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL) insurance will cover you for the costs relating to an incident of pollution on your farm.
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Rural’s plans for growth in the South West and Wales
The South West and Wales are important regions for Rural Insurance. When it comes to agriculture the South West accounts for 15% of all farming income in England (£464m out of £3,023m).
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